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+233 (054) 431 1252

Digital Address: GW-1107-3380, Nii Okaiman West Main Rd


Forensic Document-ExaminationsDOCUMENT EXAMINATION

We use our expertise to evaluate documents, including written, typed or printed items. Cedar Integrated Security forensic document examiners analyze all aspects of a document and prepare well tested opinions on it.


With the help of our polygraph examination tool, we assist you to interrogate suspects and screen new employees.


Cedar Integrated Security provides automated signature verification tool that protects against fraud and reduces costs. Since all signatures are unique, they are relied upon for verification by financial organizations, businesses and governments to authorize transactions and documents.

Our tool verifies signatures on both print documents and online for account applications, check processing, loan origination, vote-by-mail, legal documents and much more. Accurate signature verification is crucial since forgery and fraud can cost organizations money, time and their reputation.


Using the very latest in counter surveillance technology, our TSCM surveys will identify attacks from the widest range of threats including covert cameras, listening devices, GSM devices, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, telephone bugging and laser attacks.

Cedar Integrated Security surveys are designed to prevent, as well as detect unauthorized interception of sensitive information therefore leaving you free to carry on “business as usual” safe in the knowledge that your confidential information will remain confidential. In choosing Cedar Integrated Security, you can be assured of the very latest advice, techniques and the highest standards in the industry.


With Cedar Integrated Security, we will gather and analyze  all crime-related physical evidence in order to come to a conclusion about a suspect. We will look at blood, fluid, or fingerprints, residue, hard drives, computers, or other technology to establish how a crime took place.